VES Committees
Archives Committee
Mission or Purpose:
The purpose of the archives committee is to preserve the history of our craft and our society by collecting materials and knowledge related to the industry and working with other organizations to promote the understanding of the visual effects art form.
Current Projects:
- Build physical research library on-site at VES office
- Develop methodology to deliver research library benefit to memberships
- Continue oral history project
- Archiving of VES events
- Possible archives partnerships with other organizations.
Lisa Cooke
David Tanaka, VES
Awards Committee
Mission or Purpose:
The Awards Committee plans, designs, and helps produce the annual VES Awards, which provides insight into and knowledge of the field of visual effects for peers, practitioners, students, and the industry. It is your chance to inform the world of what you do with our art and science. To challenge and inspire – as well as the new up and coming generation of visual effects artists – to step in, step up and imagine a new world!
Current Projects:
- Hold global VES Awards nomination events
- Prepare Policies and Rules & Procedures for Annual VES Awards.
- Implement new technologies to enhance global participation in the online view and vote.
Dennis Serras (Chair)
Scott Kilburn (Co-Chair)
Lopsie Schwartz (Co-Chair)
Education & Outreach Committee
The Education and Outreach Committee is dedicated to empowering our members through targeted education initiatives, mentorship, and global collaboration while fostering the next generation of global visual effects talent to ensure we remain at the forefront of industry innovation. Our goal is to nurture and train our members’ technical and creative expertise across film, television, commercials, immersive media, and games.
Ben Lock
Karen Heston
Handbook Ad Hoc Committee
Mission or Purpose:
The intention of the Committee is to create and publish a handbook of visual effects under the VES brand. The book should have valuable information that applies to all levels of our field, including but not limited to techniques and technical approaches.
Health and Wellbeing Committee
Mission or Purpose:
To increase access by members to resources that better assist them in maintaining or improving their health and mental wellbeing thus improving their overall quality of life. To demonstrate to members that we care about them as people. This includes discounts, membership benefits and educational resources.
Emma Clifton Perry
Philipp Wolf
Membership Committee
Mission or Purpose:
The Membership Committee is a permanent standing committee of the Society, as specified in the by-laws. The Membership Committee’s primary purpose is to review applicants for membership, and make recommendations to the VES Board of Directors regarding admission of the applicants to the society. The Board of Directors retains the rights to admit or reject applicants into the society.
Current Projects:
- Twice-yearly review of applicants resulting in recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- Monitoring and updating the application forms and procedures.
- Monitoring and maintaining the endorsement guidelines
- Monitoring and making recommendations for membership admission requirements and procedures.
- Monitoring the society’s desire for growth, as applied to membership count and upcoming applications.
- Monitoring the “welcome package” – what the new member receives upon acceptance – recommending any changes, updates, or improvements that might be needed or desired.
Susan O’Neal
Joe Weidenbach
Outreach to Developing Regions Committee
Mission or Purpose:
- To help qualified and interested VFX professionals, in regions where there are few VES members to become VES Members by helping them secure the required endorsements from current VES Members.
- To help young growing regions, that aspire to become VES Sections, to grow to reach the necessary membership numbers to do so .
- To reach out to the Animation and Gaming professionals everywhere to make them aware of the value we place on them, how we see them to be of the same stuff as our current VFX membership and to show them how the VES is as relevant to them as all the other crafts we already represent.
Technology Committee
Mission or Purpose:
The Visual Effects Society Technology Committee exists to facilitate the sharing of expertise, establish and promote industry best practices, and be a catalyst for innovation and sustainability across the community. The Technology Committee works on an evolving portfolio of projects selected to advance the art and science of visual effects for the benefit of all industry professionals. Visit the Technology Committee Activities Page for more details
Nick Cannon
Sam Richards
Work From Home Committee
Mission or Purpose:
The Work From Home Committee exists to advocate for a mutually workable set of recommendations such that our members and the industry at large can continue to benefit from the new mode of operation that emerged during the coronavirus pandemic. It has a goal of providing resources to educate, and assist with enabling any advocacy necessary to ensure WFH and Hybrid Working Practices can continue in some manner into the future.
Gavin Graham
Colin Campbell