6th Annual VES Awards
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Kodak Grand Ballroom
Hollywood, CA

The sold-out event attracted more than a thousand visual effects and animation artists, dozens of nominees and members of the film, television, commercial and video game industries. During the evening, filmmaker Steven Spielberg received the VES Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his contribution to the art and science of visual effects.
“The work we celebrated tonight is a testament to the crucial role the talent, knowledge and experience visual effects artists play in the storytelling process. Because visual effects “geeks’ are at the cutting edge of technology, they are also at the cutting edge of entertainment as well,” says Eric Roth, VES Executive Director.

Lifetime Achievement Award
Awarded for significant and lasting contributions to the art and science of the visual effects industry by way of vision, artistry, invention and innovation.
Videos & Photo Galleries


Steven Spielberg is presented with the VES Lifetime Achievement Award
From the 6th Annual VES Awards, presented by Dennis Muren.

6th Annual VES Awards Highlights
Highlights from the nights 2 biggest awards.
Winners & Nominees
Below is the complete list of Winners and Nominees for the 6th Annual VES Awards. A sortable list for ALL years of VES Award winners / nominees can be found on the Previous VES Awards page. All archival viewing materials are cleared for viewing by logged-in VES members behind the VES website firewall. For more information, please review the VES Awards Rules & Procedures, Section 14: Ownership & Clearances here.
View the category of the nominees and winners below.
Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven Feature Motion Picture
This award is to honor the overall achievement of the visual effects within a live action motion picture where the visual effects are a visible, essential, and integral part of the story and play a principal and active role in the motion picture. A rule of thumb for defining whether a motion picture would be considered effects-driven would be to ask if the story could be told without the active participation of the VFX (including Special Effects). On the whole, the VFX in an effects-driven film would be easily identifiable by the viewing public and professionals working in the VFX field.
Fully animated films are not eligible in this category.
I Am Legend
Janek Sirrs
Mike Chambers
Jim Berney
Crys Forsyth-Smith

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World´s End
John Knoll
Jill Brooks
Hal Hickel
Charlie Gibson

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Spiderman 3
Scott Stokdyk
Terry Clotiaux
Peter Nofz
Spencer Cook

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The Golden Compass
Michael Fink
Susan MacLeod
Bill Westenhofer
Ben Morris

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Transformers (Winner)
Scott Farrar
Shari Hanson
Russell Earl
Scott Benza

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Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Feature Motion Picture
This award is to honor the overall achievement of the visual effects within a live action motion picture where the visual effects play a supporting, minor or background role in the telling of the story. Supporting visual effects, when taken as a whole, may help create the setting, environment, or mood of an entire film, but are generally intended to be subtle or invisible to the lay viewer. They do not consist of a significant number of CG characters, science fiction or fantasy elements, and other highly visible effects that one would expect to see in a visual effects-driven or “tent pole” film.
Effects-driven films may not enter their “invisible” effects in this category, and animated films are not eligible.
Blades of Glory
Mark Breakspear
Randy Starr
Shauna Bryan
Kody Sabourin

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Michael Fong
Apurva Shah
Christine Waggoner
Michael Fu

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The Kite Runner
David Ebner
Les Jones
Todd Perry
Leif Einarsson

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We Own The Night
Kelly Port
Julian Levi
Brad Parker
Olivier Sarda

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Eric Barba
Craig Barron
Janelle Croshaw
Chris Evans

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Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Miniseries, Movie, or Special
This award is to honor the overall achievement of the visual effects within a single episode of an effects-driven miniseries, made-for-television movie or special that was broadcast and delivered via over-the-air, pay/basic cable, or satellite transmissions to homes. A rule of thumb for defining whether a program would be considered effects-driven would be to ask if the story could be told without the active participation of the VFX (including Special Effects).
Battlestar Galactica: Razor (Winner)
Mike Gibson
Gary Hutzel
Sean Jackson
Pierre Drolet

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Ben 10: Race Against Time – VFX Compilation
Dina Benadon
Evan Jacobs
Brent Young
Chris Christman

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Doctor Who Christmas Special 2007- Voyage of the Damned
David Houghton
Will Cohen
Nicolas Hernandez
Sara Bennett

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Race To Mars: Getting To Mars
Manon Barriault
Jacques Levesque
Olivier Goulet
Benoit Girard

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Tin Man: Night One
Lee Wilson
Lisa Sepp-Wilson
Sebastien Bergeron

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Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Series
This award is to honor the achievement of the visual effects within a single episode of a series where the visual effects are a visible, essential, and integral part of the story and play a principal and active role in the show. A rule of thumb for defining whether a series would be considered effects-driven would be to ask if the story could be told without the active participation of the VFX (including Special Effects).
Battlestar Galactica – Episode 316 – Maelstrom
Mike Gibson
Gary Hutzel
Michael J. Davidson
Kyle Toucher

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Doctor Who – The Last of the Time Lords – Series 3 – Episode 13
David Houghton
Will Cohen
Jean-Claude Deguara
Nicolas Hernandez

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Fight For Life – Episode 4 (Winner)
Philip Dobree
Nicola Instone
Marco Iozzi
Matt Chandler

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HEROES – Episode 208 – Four Months Ago
Eric Grenaudier
Mark Spatny
Diego Galtieri
Mike Enriquez

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Stargate Atlantis – Adrift
Mark Savela
Shannon Gurney
Erica Henderson
Jamie Yukio Kawano

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Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Broadcast Program
This award is to honor the overall achievement of the visual effects that play a supporting or background role within a single episode of a broadcast series, miniseries, made-for-television movie, or special wherein the visual effects are not necessarily essential to the telling of the story in the way that the effects of an effects-driven broadcast program are. Supporting visual effects, when taken as a whole, may help create the setting, environment, or mood of an entire program, and are generally intended to be invisible to the lay viewer. They do not consist of a significant number of CG characters, science fiction or fantasy elements, and other highly visible effects that one would expect to see in a visual effectsdriven broadcast program.
Drive – Episode 101 – The Starting Line – Driving Sequence
Raoul Yorke Bolognini
Loni Peristere
Steve Meyer
Chris Jones

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Grey´s Anatomy – Walk on Water – Ferryboat Crash
Sam Nicholson
Scott Ramsey
Valeri Pfahning
Mike Enriquez

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Marie Antoinette – Miniseries
Richard Martin
Pierre Raymond
Sebastien Rioux
Nadine Homier

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Pushing Daisies – Pilot Episode
Craig Weiss
Toni Pace Carstensen
Brian Vogt
Jimmy Berndt

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Rome 2 – Episode 6 – Philipi (Winner)
James Madigan
Barrie Hemsley
Duncan Kinnard
Gary Broznich

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Best Single Visual Effect of the Year
300 – Crazy Horse Sequence
Chris Watts
Gayle Busby
Kirsty Millar

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World´s End – Jack and Davey Duel
John Knoll
Jill Brooks
Francois Lambert
Philippe Rebours

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Spiderman 3 – The Birth of Sandman
Scott Stokdyk
Terry Clotiaux
Spencer Cook
Doug Bloom

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Surfs Up – Riding The Visual Effects Tube
Rob Bredow
Lydia Bottegoni
Daniel Kramer
Matt Hausman

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Transformers – Desert Highway Sequence (Winner)
Scott Farrar
Shari Hanson
Shawn Kelly
Michael Jamieson

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Outstanding Visual Effects in a Commercial
Bacardi – Bacardi Sun
Vittorio Giannini
Franck Lambertz
Robin Carlisle
Nico Cotta

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BMW – Hydrogen
Simon Maddison
Dave Kelly
Mike Bain
Sam Cole

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BMW – Road
Chris Fieldhouse
Jay Barton
Ron Herbst
Dave Stern

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Smirnoff – Sea (Winner)
William Bartlett
Scott Griffin
Dan Seddon
David Mellor

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Zune – Ballad of Tina Pink
Luisa Murray
Laurent Ledru
Katrina Salicrup
Miles Essmiller

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Outstanding Visual Effects in a Special Venue Project
The award is to honor the overall achievement of the visual effects within an entire Special Venue project. Special Venues are defined as installations specifically set up to project large-format films (e.g. IMAX or OMNIMAX theaters), theme park theaters that may include a motion-based ride, museums, World Fairs, and similar venues.
To be eligible, a Special Venue project must have been exhibited publicly:
- In a commercial venue for a paid admission, which may include the general admission to a theme park or special venue theater;
- For a minimum period of one week on a regular daily schedule; and
- Premiered in the current awards year in a Special Venue theater as defined above.
The following are not eligible in this category, regardless of the material’s original capture format:
- Special purpose events such as trade shows and conventions;
- Video material generally referred to as “pre-show” material;
- Repurposed films, i.e. projects initially intended for the theatrical market but which have been blown up for exhibition in large-format Special Venue theaters;
- Projects that were created as conventional 2D theatrical presentations but have been repurposed to stereographic 3D;
- Any 2D or stereographic 3D feature motion picture that either premiered first, or simultaneously, in any regular movie theater or in any broadcast medium;
- Any project that runs for an equal or greater amount of time in any regular movie theater or in any broadcast medium; and
- Movies intended for simultaneous distribution in both Special Venue and normal movie theaters. The intent of this category is to honor those projects made specifically for the Special Venue market.
Dinosaurs – Giants of Patagonia – 38_011
Mario Couturier
Vincent Roberge
Richard Bergeron
Martin L´Heureux

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Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor – Show Edit
Roger Gould
Liz Gazzano
Joe Garlington
Dan Colajacomo

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Sea Monsters (Winner)
Sean Phillips
Jack Geist
Robin Aristorenas
Mark Dubeau

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Outstanding Real Time Visuals in a Video Game
Crysis – Realtime Visuals
Michael Endres
Michael Khaimzon

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Marcus Lehto
Jonty Barnes
Stephen Scott
CJ Cowan

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Mass Effect – Game Sequence
Derek Watts
Casey Hudson

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Need For Speed Pro Street – Pro Street
Michael Mann
Wilson Tang
Eduardo Agostini
Carl Jarrett

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Team Fortress 2
Jason Mitchell
Moby Franke
Chris Green
Dhabih Eng

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Outstanding Pre-Rendered Visuals In A Video Game
Command and Conquer 3 Tiberian Wars – GDI, NOD and Scrin Scenes
Richard Taylor
Matt Britton
Ben Hopkins
Tang Katai

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Hellgate: London
Tim Miller
Jerome Denjean
Al Shier

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The Witcher Cinematic – Intro
Tomek Baginski
Marcin Kobylecki
Grzegorz Kukus
Maciek Jackiewicz

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World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade – Cinematic Intro (Winner)
Jeff Chamberlain
Scott Abeyta

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Outstanding Performance by an Animated Character in a Live Action Motion Picture
Enchanted – Pip
Tom Gibbons
James W. Brown
David Richard Nelson
John Koester

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I Am Legend – The Infected Leader
David Schaub
Marco Marenghi
Josh Beveridge

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World´s End – Davey Jones (Winner)
Hal Hickel
Marc Chu
Jakub Pistecky
Maia Kayser

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Spiderman 3 – Sandman
Chris Yang
Bernd Anger
Dominick Cecere
Remington Scott

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The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep – Crusoe
Richard Frances-Moore
Martin Hill
Marco Revelant
Daniel Barrett

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Transformers – Optimus Prime
Rick O´Connor
Doug Sutton
Keiji Yamaguchi
Jeff White

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Outstanding Performance by an Animated Character in an Animated Motion Picture
Beowulf – Beowulf
Keith Smith
Scott Holmes
Pericles Michielin
Kenn McDonald

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Ratatouille – Colette (Winner)
Janeane Garofalo
Jaime Landes
Sonoko Konishi
Paul Aichele

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Shrek The Third – King Harold
John Cleese
Guillaume Aretos
Tim Cheung
Sean Mahoney

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Surf´s Up – Chicken Joe
David Schaub
Moon Jun Kang
Brian Casper
Andreas Procopiou

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Surf´s Up – Cody
David Schaub
Pete Nash
James Crossley
Shia LaBeouf

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Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture
This award is to honor the overall achievement of a single created environment in a live action motion picture that best creates an illusion of setting for the story being told. Created environments are defined as either completely artificial environments, or the enhancement of an existing practical set or location through the addition of elements not present during photography. The environment may occur more than once in the project and under different conditions, but must be the same environment, created by the exact same team.
This category judges not only the techniques for creating the environment, but also their integration with any practical plate photography. Before & Afters must show the integration of the multiple elements used to create the environment.
Stereo extractions of environments that do not contain any other significant enhancements or fully animated productions are not eligible in this category. For practical purposes, the environment should be a single setting within the story, and not, for example, all locations within an entire city.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – The Hall Of Prophecy
David Vickery
Philippe LePrince
Trina Roy
Jolene McCaffrey

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I Am Legend – Times Square Hunt
Daniel Eaton
Blaine Kennison
Ron Gress
Daveed Shwartz

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Pirates of the Caribbean – At World´s End – The Maelstrom (Winner)
Frank Losasso Petterson
Paul Sharpe
Joakim Arnesson
David Meny

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Rush Hour 3
Barry Williams
Robert Weaver
Jay Cooper
Masahiko Tani

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Sweeney Todd – The Old Bailey
Raf Morant
Julian Gnass
Nakia McGlynn
Christine Wong

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Zodiac – Washington and Cherry
Wei Zheng
Greg Szafranski
Janelle Croshaw
Karl Denham

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Outstanding Performance by an Animated Character in a Live Action Broadcast Program, Commercial, or Music Video
AMP – Paper
Fred Raimondi
Chris De Santis
Angie Jones
Narbeh Mardirossian

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Ben 10: Race Against Time – Grey Matter Sequence
Brent Young
Michael Smith

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Nicklas Andersson
Mike Mellor
Sylvain Marc
Florent DeLa Taille

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Doctor Who – The Last of the Time Lords – Series 3 Episode 13
Nicolas Hernandez
Adam Burnett
Neil Roche
Jean-Claude Deguara

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Primeval – Episode 6 – Predator Animation
Mathieu Vig
Antoine Birot
Simon Thistlethwaite
Kevin O´Sullivan

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Propel – Stress Monster
Mitch Drain
Sean Faden
Matt Hackett
Denis Gauthier

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Outstanding Effects In An Animated Motion Picture
Beowulf – Dragon Chase
Theo Vandernoot
Vincent Serritella
Rob Engle
Pericles Michielin

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Jon Reisch
Jason Johnston
Eric Froemling
Tolga Goktekin

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Ratatouille – Rapids
Darwyn Peachey
Chen Shen
Eric Froemling
Tolga Göketkin

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Shrek The Third – Effects
Matt Baer
Greg Hart
Krzysztof Rost
Anthony Field

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Surf´s Up – Riding Wave – CG Style
Rob Bredow
Daniel Kramer
Matt Hausman
Danny Dimian

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Outstanding Matte Paintings in a Broadcast Program or Commercial
Matthew Gratzner
Alan Scott
Seth Curlin
Greg Boettcher

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Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Broadcast Program, Commercial, or Music Video
Phi Tran
Matthew Lee
Martin Hilke
Andrew Roberts

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Smallville – Metropolis City
Kaz Yoshida
Jack Matsumoto
Andrea Shear
Eli Jarra

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Subaru – Peel Out
Graham Fyffe
Chris Nichols
Chris Bankoff
Daniel Buck

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Tin Man – Night One
Les Quinn
Ken Lee
Andrew Domachowski
Jonah West

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Ugly Betty – A League Of Their Own
Chris Martin
Michael Cook
Cedric Tomacruz

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Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Feature Motion Picture
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix – Hogwarts School
Jose Granell
Nigel Stone

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Live Free Or Die Hard – Freeway Sequence – F35 Miniature and Effects
Ian Hunter
Scott Schneider
Scott Beverly
John Cazin

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World´s End – Practical and Digital Ships
Ken Bailey
Bruce Holcomb
Carl Miller
Geoff Heron

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Spiderman 3 – Building / Crane Destruction Miniature and Effects
Masahiko Tani
Scott Beverly
Forest Fischer
Raymond Moore

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Dave Fogler
Ron Woodall
Alex Jaeger
Brian Gernand

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Outstanding Compositing in a Broadcast Program, Commercial, or Music Video
Levis – Change
Tim Davies
Jason Schugardt
Yuichiro Yamashito

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Nike – Leave Nothing (Winner)
James Allen
Rob Trent

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Smallville – Bizarro Flood
David Alexander
Kaz Yoshida
Geeta Basantani
Tony White

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Smallville – Season 6 – Episode 11, Justice
Rob Reinhart
Jack Matsumoto
Takashi Takeoka
Christina Spring

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Tin Man – Night One
Todd Liddiard
Philippe Thibault
Lionel Lim
Annabelle Kent

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Outstanding Compositing in a Feature Motion Picture
This award is to honor outstanding achievement in compositing multiple elements into a final visual effect shot or group of shots in a live action feature motion picture. This category is for a body of work created for a single motion picture by an individual artist or team of artists.
Multiple entries from the same project are eligible provided the compositing teams are 100% different and the shots being submitted are completelydifferent. Title sequences are eligible as long as:
- They are submitted in textless form in order not to conflict with any other awards rule; and
- They are part of the storytelling and are not a specially designed separate animated title sequence in a live action project.
Animated films are not eligible in this category.
Harry Potter and the Order Of The Phoenix – Hall of Prophecy and Comp Shots
Jolene McCaffrey
Jelena Stojanovic
Victor Wade
Adam Pashke

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I Am Legend – Seaport Evacuation
Darren Lurie
John Sasaki
Rita Kunzler
Fish Essenfeld

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World´s End
Eddie Pasquarello
Katrin Klaiber
Jen Howard
Shawn Hillier

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World´s End – Death Of Beckett
Lou Pecora
Joel Behrens
Ted Andre
Kevin Lingenfelser

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The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep – Crusoe
Areito Echevarria
Gareth Dinneen
Norman Cates
Caterina Schiffers

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Transformers (Winner)
Pat Tubach
Beth D’Amato
Todd Vaziri
Mike Conte

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Outstanding Special Effects in a Feature Motion Picture
John Richardson
Stephen Hamilton
Richard Farns
Stephen Hutchinson

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