VES Titles

The following are definitions by the Visual Effects Society (VES) of many of the commonly used titles used in feature film and television productions involving visual effects and animation. While many of these titles may apply to video games and the broader spectrum of media, those productions have not been specifically addressed in this document.  We intend to created additional lists for visual effects creators in all media, over time.

Please note that this is a living document, and will be updated or modified in an ongoing basis as new titles and definitions are developed or required.  Also note that the definitions here are not in one-to-one correspondence to the List of Titles for Live Action VFX Credits.  This is because some definitions cover more than one title on the list.  Or, because we made a mistake and will count on you as sharp-eyed members of the VES to help us correct our errors.  Thus, the “living document” statement above.

These titles often use “modifiers” such as Co-, Assistant, Senior, etc.  A list of modifiers that alter this list of titles slightly to more accurately reflect a particular position on a production follows at the end of these definitions.


Many of these positions can be hired by the Production and/or a Facility.

Some productions have their own crew working on shots and sequences just as other facilities do. The basic tasks remain the same for most positions except where specifically noted. In these special cases for Production, people in these positions are typically overseeing the entire production, including overseeing the final work done at facilities.


Visual Effects Supervisor Visual Effects Accountant
Additional Visual Effects Supervisor Visual Effects Plate Supervisor
Animation Supervisor Visual Effects Plate Producer
Visual Effects Producer Visual Effects Editor
Visual Effects Associate Producer Visual Effects Assistant Editor
Visual Effects Production Supervisor Visual Effects Previz Lead
Visual Effects Coordinator Visual Effects Previz Artist
Visual Effects Assistant Coordinator Visual Effects Data Coordinator
Visual Effects Production Assistant Visual Effects Data Assistant
Visual Effects Consultant Visual Effects Data or Digital Asset Manager


*Modifiers such as Senior, Associate, Co-, are entirely under the purview of the producing entity, and are at their discretion.  Titles using the word “Director” must be cleared by the production entity and the DGA, and are not listed here.  Again, these are completely at the discretion of the production entity.


Senior Visual Effects Supervisor Visual Effects Production Support
Visual Effects Supervisor CG Supervisor
Additional Visual Effects Supervisor Compositing Supervisor
Co-Visual Effects Supervisor Senior Visual Effects Art Director
Visual Effects Associate Supervisor Visual Effects Art Director
Visual Effects Plate Supervisor Concept Artist
Visual Effects Consultant Storyboard Artist
Senior Animation Supervisor Visual Effects Editor
Animation Supervisor Assistant Visual Effects Editor
Senior Visual Effects Producer Projectionist
Visual Effects Producer Color Grading Artist
Visual Effects Executive Producer Color Grading Supervisor
Visual Effects Associate Producer Previz Supervisor
Visual Effects Line Producer Previz Artist
Visual Effects Coordinator I/O Supervisor
Visual Effects Assistant Coordinator I/O Operator
Visual Effects Plate Coordinator I/O Negative Cutter
Visual Effects Production Supervisor I/O Coordinator
Visual Effects Production Manager Scan/Record Technician
Visual Effects Associate Production Manager Visual Effects Technical Support
Visual Effects Production Assistant Visual Effects Still Photographer
Visual Effects Plate Producer 3D Stereoscopic Supervisor


*Modifiers such as Senior, Associate, Co-, are entirely under the purview of the producing entity, and are at their discretion.  Titles using the word “Director” must be cleared by the production entity and the DGA.  Again, these modifiers, and in fact all credits, are completely at the discretion of the production entity.


CG Sequence Supervisor Lead Texture Artist
Digital Production Supervisor Senior Texture Artist
Animation Supervisor Junior Texture Artist
Animation Producer Motion Capture Supervisor
Animation Production Manager Motion Capture Producer
Animation Coordinator Motion Capture Engineer
Technical Animation Supervisor Motion Capture Technician
Technical Animation Lead Dustbuster
Digital Effects Producer Lead TD
Digital Effects Production Manager Technical Director (TD)
Digital Effects Coordinator Assistant TD
Character Setup Supervisor Lighting Supervisor
Character Setup Lead Lighting Lead
Character Rigging Supervisor Lighting Artist
Character Rigging Artist Effects Animator
Rigging Supervisor Character Animation Lead
Rigging Artist Character Animator
Look Development Supervisor Animation Lead
Look Development Lead Animator
Compositing Sequence Supervisor Layout Supervisor
Compositing Lead Layout Artist
Compositor Modeling Supervisor
Matte Supervisor Modeling Lead
Matte Painter Modeler
Matte Artist Simulation Supervisor
Matte Painting Supervisor Simulation Lead
Lead Digital Matte Painter Simulation Artist
Senior Digital Matte Painter Matchmove Supervisor
Digital Matte Painter Matchmove Lead
R&D Supervisor Matchmove Artist
R&D Artist Rotoscope Supervisor
Senior Technical Developer Rotoscope Lead
Software Development Supervisor Rotoscope Artist
Software Developer Digital Artist
Systems Manager CG Artist
Systems Coordinator Paint Supervisor
Systems Engineer Paint Lead
Integrators Paint Artist
Pipeline Supervisor Digital Paint Lead
Pipeline Engineer Plate Restoration Supervisor
Shading Supervisor Plate Restoration Lead
Shading Artist Plate Restoration Artist
Texture Paint Supervisor Technical Associate
Texture Lead Technical Assistant
Texture Painter Render Coordinator
Texture Paint Artist 3D Stereoscopic TD
Digital Paint & Roto Lead 3D Stereoscopic Artist
Digital Paint & Roto Artist Effects Animation Supervisor
Environment Supervisor Effects Animation Lead
Environment Lead Effects Animation Artist
Environment Artist Creature Supervisor
Generalist Supervisor Creature Lead
Generalist Lead Creature Artist
Generalist R & D Lead
Engineering Supervisor R & D Engineer
Engineering Lead Crowd Supervisor
Engineer Crowd Lead
Virtual Production Supervisor Crowd TD


*Modifiers such as Senior, Associate, Co-, are entirely under the purview of the producing entity, and are at their discretion.  Titles using the word “Director” must be cleared by the production entity and the DGA.  Again, these modifiers, and in fact all credits, are completely at the discretion of the production entity.

Motion / Performa

Motion Capture Line Producer Motion Capture Camera Operator
Motion Capture Supervisor Motion Capture Pipeline TD
Motion Capture Producer Motion Capture Pipeline Engineer
Motion Capture Systems Technician Motion Capture Stage Manager
Motion Capture Systems Engineer Motion Capture Coordinator
Motion Capture Systems Operator Motion Capture Assistant
Motion Capture Real Time Operator Motion Capture Production Assistant

VFX Physical Production Unit

Visual Effects Director of Photography Visual Effect Data Capture
Visual Effects Photographer Visual Effects 2nd Assistant Camera
Visual Effects Camera Operator Visual Effects Camera Loader
Visual Effects 1st Assistant Camera Digital Camera Engineer
Visual Effects Survey Supervisor Digital Camera Assistant
Visual Effects Surveyor

Special Effects Unit

Senior Special Effects Supervisor Special Effects Best Boy
Special Effects Supervisor Senior Special Effects Stage Technician
Senior Special Effects Coordinator Special Effects Stage Technician
Special Effects Coordinator Senior Special Effects Rigger
Special Effects Technician Special Effects Rigger
Pyrotechnic Supervisor Senior Special Effects Workshop Technician
Pyrotechnic Technician Special Effects Workshop Technician
Head Special Effects Electronic Engineer Head Special Effects Maintenance Engineer
Special Effects Electronic Engineer Special Effects Maintenance Engineer
Special Effects Electronic Technician Head Special Effects Machinist
Head Special Effects Stage Technician Special Effects Machinist

Motion Control Unit

Motion Control Supervisor Motion Control Camera Assistant
Motion Control Producer Motion Control Previz
Motion Control Camera Motion Control Technician
Motion Control Operator Motion Control Crane Operator


Models / Miniatures Unit

Models/Miniatures Director of Photography Models/Miniatures Supervisor
Models/Miniatures Producer Senior Modelmaker
Models/Miniatures Gaffer Chief Modelmaker
Models/Miniatures Coordinator Modelmaker
Models/Miniatures Sr. Camera Operator Models/Miniatures Sculptor
Models/Miniatures Camera Operator Senior Plasterer
Models/Miniatures 1st Assistant Camera Senior Painter
Models/Miniatures 2nd Assistant Camera Graphic Artist
Models/Miniatures Camera Loader Creature Supervisor
Models/Miniatures Technical Apprentice Senior Creature Tech
Digital Camera Engineer Creature Tech
Digital Camera Assistant Supervising Mechanical Engineer
Models/Miniatures Stagehand Mechanical Engineer
Models/Miniatures Production Manager Chief Scenic Artist
Modelshop Supervisor Scenic Artist
Models/Miniatures Effects Supervisor Assistant Scenic Artist

Stop Motion Unit

Head Stop Motion Animator Stop Motion Lead Sculptor
Stop Motion Animator Stop Motion Sculptor
Stop Motion Assistant Animator Stop Motion Lead Model Rigger
Stop Motion Puppet Coordinator Stop Motion Model Rigger
Stop Motion Puppet Wrangler Stop Motion Lead Mold/Mould Maker
Stop Motion Junior Puppet Wrangler Stop Motion Mold/Mould Maker
Stop Motion Lead Armature Engineer Stop Motion Camera Manager
Stop Motion Armature Engineer Stop Motion Camera Operator
Stop Motion Character Fabricator Stop Motion Assistant Camera

Animatronics Unit

Animatronics Supervisor Animatronics Foam Latex Technician
Animatronics Coordinator Animatronics Mold/Mould Makers
Animatronics Designer Animatronics Sculptor
Animatronics Mechanical Supervisor Animatronics Seamstress
Animatronics Technician Animatronics Hair/Fur Technician
Animatronics Control Systems Designer