Green Rain Studios
Parth Shah
Parth Shah is a Virtual Production Supervisor at Green Rain Studios and Visual Effects Society' Secretary for India Chapter. Before joining Green Rain, Parth was instrumental in setting up Centroid India’s Mumbai studio and supervised the studios’ performance capture, virtual production, and previs services. Parth has a passionate understanding of Performance Capture, In-Camera VFX (LED and Realtime Compositing on Green Screen), Photogrammetry, VR Scouting, real-time AR, Visualization (Pitchvis, Previs, Stuntvis, Techvis, and Postvis), Volumetric Capture, Simulcam, and Projection. He has gained a wealth of experience working across Film VFX, Games and television, and already has an impressive list of credits to his name.
Parth Shah was also Virtual Production Supervisor for setting up India's first LED Volume in 2020 which was in collaboration with Cineom India, Green Rain, Centroid, Liminal and Famous Studios.
Role with the VES
Board of Manager (2022)Secretary for India Chapter (2021)Member (2020)